Wednesday, September 26, 2012

The caliph خليفة Benedict Arnold Homosexuality And The Middle East

Obama, Homosexuality And The Middle East
The Arab media reported that Obama’s Libyan Ambassador Christopher Stevens was gang-raped and his body put on display after heathen Muslims murdered him. With the apparent exception of Obama, who claims the embassy attack was just a spontaneous incident and Hillary Clinton, who has been glaringly absent thus far, America is angered and appalled at the Muslim barbarism.
As barbaric and reprehensible as the behavior of those Muslims was, my observation is that they were simply behaving in kind with their depraved so-called prophet. The admin for the website Logan’s Warning, detailed Mohammad’s crazed debauchery in a December 6, 2011 article titled “Mohammad – The Poisoned Mind of Prophet Pervert Penetrates America.”
The article meticulously details what those willing to tell the truth about Islam have argued pursuant to the historical record: “Even after marrying a child [i.e., a six-year old who was still playing with dolls and with whom he had sex with starting when she was nine-years old], and marrying his daughter-in-law, Prophet Pervert was still not satisfied. So in his attempt to fulfill his sexual addiction he raped sex slaves. His insane perversions are not yet finished. Not only did Mohammad ok the rape of sex slaves, he also encouraged his cronies to impregnate them.”
There is documented historical evidence he allowed and some argue even encouraged sodomy. So with those historical perversions in mind, why should we be surprised at the brutal rape and sodomizing before and perhaps even after Stevens’ murder?
Kyle Rogers of reported that: “According to leading Arab media outlets” Stevens’ murder was more horrible than reported by U.S. media. “The Arab media reports that Stevens was beaten, gang raped, killed, and then his body was publicly displayed in a manner similar to Gaddafi.” Does that sound like a kind, warm-spirited religion to you?
I understand that what I point out is sickeningly grotesque but I’m only sharing the truth about these caricatures of human life. Islam attempts to hide behind a phony piety but in fact it is nothing more than a Erebusic cult based upon the teachings of a mad-man.
Which brings me to this question. Why are appeasers like Obama and Clinton so quick to apologize to Muslims? Did America or the Axis powers apologize to the Nazis for condemning the dictates of their evil? Were the Nazi faithful looked upon differently than Hitler or his generals? Are Nazis readily accepted as respected and admired even today? Have Muslims apologized to us or other nations who have suffered unprovoked loss of life by the hands of Islamists?

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