Welcome to the Second Annual Zilla Awards for Awesomeness in the Dextrosphere!
Here we go again!

Welcome to the Second Annual Zilla Awards for Awesomeness in the Dextrosphere! Conservative Bloggers may still be the Chopped Liver of the Right, but in my eyes they are the finest cuts of the very best red meat, and now it is time to again recognize the bestiest of that best. This time around there are some winners on a hot streak, some new winners, and some new categories, because there is a lot of awesomeness on the RIGHT side of the Blogosphere that deserves a fiery flaming badge of honor. Here are your winners of the Second Annual Zilla Awards for Awesomeness in the Dextrosphere who kicked ass all over the interwebz in 2012:
Mighty Warrior for Freedom and Human Rights: Atlas Shrugs
Survivor’s Award: The Pagan Temple, Amusing Bunni, Riehl World News, The Mad Jewess
Blogs Whose Awesomeness Makes Leftists’ and/or Jihadis’ Heads Assplode With Murderous and/or Litigious Rage: Blazing Cat Fur, Atlas Shrugs, The Lonely Conservative, Patterico’s Pontifications, Allergic to Bull, Hogewash, American Power, The Other McCain (especially the Wombat, man do the leftist trolltards ever have a hate-on for him!), Jihad Watch, Bare Naked Islam, Liberated
Best Place for Mocking the Obamas: MOTUS
Best New Blogs: Blur Brain, Liberty Unyielding, ConMom, Call Me Stormy, and Batshit Crazy News (yes, I own BsCN but most of the work there is done by other bloggers so they’ve earned this award)
Multi-Media: DaTechguy’s Blog
Best Original Reporting: The Other McCain and DaTechguy’s Blog
Best New York Blog: The Lonely Conservative
Best New Jersey Blog: WyBlog
Best Wisconsin Blog: TrogloPundit
Best Louisiana Blog: And So It Goes In Shreveport
Best Canadian Blog: Blazing Cat Fur
Best at Advocating for the Hitting of Bloggers’ Tip Jars: The Other McCain, The Sundries Shack, DaTechguy, The Conservatory
Most Under-Appreciated: The Other McCain
Righteous Badassery: Bare Naked Islam
Most Eloquent and Powerful Writing: Sultan Knish
Most Fun Comments Sections to Hang Out In: MOTUS and iOwnTheWorld
Blogging Super Couple (U.S.A.): Always on Watch and Mr. Always On Watch
Blogging Super Couple (Canada): Blazing Cat Fur and Five Feet of Fury
Scholarly Counter-jihad: Jihad Watch
Bold and Fun to Read Counter-jihad: Winds of Jihad by SheikYerMami
Best NON-PC Blunt Force Trauma Infliction Against Commie Pinko Rat Bastard D-Bag Jackasses: The Mad Jewess
Counter-jihad With a Specialty in Advocating for Persecuted Christians in the Balkans: 1389 Blog
Best Early Morning News Links: Wombat Socho at The Other McCain
Best Daily Blogger Link-Around: Larwyn’s Linx at Doug Ross
Most Helpful to New and Smaller Blogs: Doug Ross, Blazing Cat Fur, and iOwnTheWorld
Best at Providing Miraculous Surges in Blog Traffic: Instapundit, iOwnTheWorld.com
Best Weekly Round-up of Fellow Bloggers’ Blog Posts: Conservative Hideout, motorcitytimes.com, Sentry Journal, Proof Positive, Pirate’s Cove
Best Place to Find Cuteness: Amusing Bunni’s Musings
Best Blogger Strategizing Outreach: im41.com
Best Catholic Blog: Catholic Bandita
Nicest Bloggers: Adrienne’s Corner, MooseandSquirrel.ca, DaTechguy’s Blog, The Sundries Shack, Pundit & Pundette, and, The Lonely Conservative, teresamerica
Best Pro-Life Advocacy: Catholic Bandita, and Pundit & Pundette
Hardest Working Blogger: Robert Stacy McCain – The Other McCain
Best Blogger Sidekick: Smitty – The Other McCain
Best Blogs from Kick-ass U.S. Military Vets: Knuckledraggin my life away and The Anti-Liberal Zone
Best Use of Pretty Ladies While Debunking the GoreBull Warmal Colding Hysteria Hoax: Pirate’s Cove
Best Blogs by Professors: American Power, Legal Insurrection, Instapundit
Best Artists: The Looking Spoon, Political Clown Parade, Buffoon – Waznmentobe/Blur Brain, Big Fur Hat at iOTW, The Morlock Revolt, The People’s Cube, Diogenes’ Middle Finger, DaleToons, Bosch Fawstin
Entertainment Industry Awesomeness and Top Notch Snark: FilmLadd
Best All-Around Blogging: Maggie’s Notebook, iOwnTheWorld, The Lonely Conservative, Doug Ross, Nice Deb, The Other McCain, Pundit & Pundette, lgstarr, DaTechGuy, The Camp of the Saints, Moonbattery, Sister Toldjah, Obi’s Sister, EBL, Lady Liberty 1885, and, Gateway Pundit
Fantastic Jewish Bloggers: Atlas Shrugs, Elder of Ziyon, Sultan Knish, YID With LID, Bare Naked Islam
First Class Snark: iOwnTheWorld, Moonbattery, MOTUS, and, Doug Ross
Best Daily New Email Blast: Bruce O’Hara (Blog coming soon!)
Best Videos: Granny Jan and Jihad Kitty
Blog Featuring Cool Christian/Conservative Music and an Occasional Dreaded Stern Look: Goldfish and Clowns
Best Brainy Blog that is also Fun to Read: Fuzzy Logic
Best Libertarian Blogger: The Daily Pundit
Most Thoughtful Blogger: Adrienne’s Corner
Best Bumper Sticker Photos: Legal Insurrection
Best Reference Source for the Counter Jihad: The Religion of Peace
Most Prolific: Instapundit
Best Pictures Posted to Help Us Get Our Minds Away from All the Bad News: Adrienne’s Corner, Amusing Bunni’s Musings, and, The Mad Jewess
Best Place to Find New Ideas to Blog About: Instapundit and The Religion of Peace
More, Please Award – for blogs I hope to see get back to more blogging in 2013: HillBuzz, Political Junkie Mom, Bread Upon the Waters
Congratulations to all of the winners of the 2012 Zilla Awards for Awesomeness in the Dextrosphere!
If you are a blog reader, I hope you will find the above list useful to help you find some awesome blogs that you may not be familiar with yet or to reacquaint yourself with some blogs that you haven’t been to in a while; but remember, besides reading, commenting to, and sharing our posts, the best way to encourage good bloggers to keep bringing the awesomeness or to become an even better bloggers is to heed the famous advice of Stacy McCain with the five most important words in the English Language:
Hit The Freaking Tip Jar!
If you are a Winner, you may claim your award by using the following widget code (you can change the #s in the code for a different size), or right click the award in the size you like and then select “copy image location” and then use that link to “upload picture from url” over at your place in the location of your choice. If you have a problem getting your award to post, email me or let me know in the comments section and I’ll see what I can do to help you.
Here is the code:
2012 Zilla Award Winner

There are so many wonderful Conservative Bloggers, and I know there are a bunch who I will be kicking myself (again) later for leaving out, but if you are blogging for the Conservative cause, then please know that your efforts are greatly appreciated – even if you are not taking home a Fiery Zilla Award widget this time around. If you didn’t win but still want a badge, well, here ya go:
2012 Zilla Award Non-Winner:

Special thanks to Rides A Pale Horse for designing this year’s Zilla Awards Badges!
Last year’s Winners’ List HERE
*** Note: Because the internet hates me, this blog fought against me for hours while I tried to get grabbable widget codes to post, and every time I try to edit anything in this post the codes become invisible again, so I will not be able to update this post unless some computer genius tells me how to fix this, so I will simply thank bloggers in the comments section if they link here (their pings WILL, however, show up if they are using a platform WordPress recognizes). Sorry, and, thanks for your understanding! ***
Welcome to the Second Annual Zilla Awards for Awesomeness in the Dextrosphere! Conservative Bloggers may still be the Chopped Liver of the Right, but in my eyes they are the finest cuts of the very best red meat, and now it is time to again recognize the bestiest of that best. This time around there are some winners on a hot streak, some new winners, and some new categories, because there is a lot of awesomeness on the RIGHT side of the Blogosphere that deserves a fiery flaming badge of honor. Here are your winners of the Second Annual Zilla Awards for Awesomeness in the Dextrosphere who kicked ass all over the interwebz in 2012:
Mighty Warrior for Freedom and Human Rights: Atlas Shrugs
Survivor’s Award: The Pagan Temple, Amusing Bunni, Riehl World News, The Mad Jewess
Blogs Whose Awesomeness Makes Leftists’ and/or Jihadis’ Heads Assplode With Murderous and/or Litigious Rage: Blazing Cat Fur, Atlas Shrugs, The Lonely Conservative, Patterico’s Pontifications, Allergic to Bull, Hogewash, American Power, The Other McCain (especially the Wombat, man do the leftist trolltards ever have a hate-on for him!), Jihad Watch, Bare Naked Islam, Liberated
Best Place for Mocking the Obamas: MOTUS
Best New Blogs: Blur Brain, Liberty Unyielding, ConMom, Call Me Stormy, and Batshit Crazy News (yes, I own BsCN but most of the work there is done by other bloggers so they’ve earned this award)
Multi-Media: DaTechguy’s Blog
Best Original Reporting: The Other McCain and DaTechguy’s Blog
Best New York Blog: The Lonely Conservative
Best New Jersey Blog: WyBlog
Best Wisconsin Blog: TrogloPundit
Best Louisiana Blog: And So It Goes In Shreveport
Best Canadian Blog: Blazing Cat Fur
Best at Advocating for the Hitting of Bloggers’ Tip Jars: The Other McCain, The Sundries Shack, DaTechguy, The Conservatory
Most Under-Appreciated: The Other McCain
Righteous Badassery: Bare Naked Islam
Most Eloquent and Powerful Writing: Sultan Knish
Most Fun Comments Sections to Hang Out In: MOTUS and iOwnTheWorld
Blogging Super Couple (U.S.A.): Always on Watch and Mr. Always On Watch
Blogging Super Couple (Canada): Blazing Cat Fur and Five Feet of Fury
Scholarly Counter-jihad: Jihad Watch
Bold and Fun to Read Counter-jihad: Winds of Jihad by SheikYerMami
Best NON-PC Blunt Force Trauma Infliction Against Commie Pinko Rat Bastard D-Bag Jackasses: The Mad Jewess
Counter-jihad With a Specialty in Advocating for Persecuted Christians in the Balkans: 1389 Blog
Best Early Morning News Links: Wombat Socho at The Other McCain
Best Daily Blogger Link-Around: Larwyn’s Linx at Doug Ross
Most Helpful to New and Smaller Blogs: Doug Ross, Blazing Cat Fur, and iOwnTheWorld
Best at Providing Miraculous Surges in Blog Traffic: Instapundit, iOwnTheWorld.com
Best Weekly Round-up of Fellow Bloggers’ Blog Posts: Conservative Hideout, motorcitytimes.com, Sentry Journal, Proof Positive, Pirate’s Cove
Best Place to Find Cuteness: Amusing Bunni’s Musings
Best Blogger Strategizing Outreach: im41.com
Best Catholic Blog: Catholic Bandita
Nicest Bloggers: Adrienne’s Corner, MooseandSquirrel.ca, DaTechguy’s Blog, The Sundries Shack, Pundit & Pundette, and, The Lonely Conservative, teresamerica
Best Pro-Life Advocacy: Catholic Bandita, and Pundit & Pundette
Hardest Working Blogger: Robert Stacy McCain – The Other McCain
Best Blogger Sidekick: Smitty – The Other McCain
Best Blogs from Kick-ass U.S. Military Vets: Knuckledraggin my life away and The Anti-Liberal Zone
Best Use of Pretty Ladies While Debunking the GoreBull Warmal Colding Hysteria Hoax: Pirate’s Cove
Best Blogs by Professors: American Power, Legal Insurrection, Instapundit
Best Artists: The Looking Spoon, Political Clown Parade, Buffoon – Waznmentobe/Blur Brain, Big Fur Hat at iOTW, The Morlock Revolt, The People’s Cube, Diogenes’ Middle Finger, DaleToons, Bosch Fawstin
Entertainment Industry Awesomeness and Top Notch Snark: FilmLadd
Best All-Around Blogging: Maggie’s Notebook, iOwnTheWorld, The Lonely Conservative, Doug Ross, Nice Deb, The Other McCain, Pundit & Pundette, lgstarr, DaTechGuy, The Camp of the Saints, Moonbattery, Sister Toldjah, Obi’s Sister, EBL, Lady Liberty 1885, and, Gateway Pundit
Fantastic Jewish Bloggers: Atlas Shrugs, Elder of Ziyon, Sultan Knish, YID With LID, Bare Naked Islam
First Class Snark: iOwnTheWorld, Moonbattery, MOTUS, and, Doug Ross
Best Daily New Email Blast: Bruce O’Hara (Blog coming soon!)
Best Videos: Granny Jan and Jihad Kitty
Blog Featuring Cool Christian/Conservative Music and an Occasional Dreaded Stern Look: Goldfish and Clowns
Best Brainy Blog that is also Fun to Read: Fuzzy Logic
Best Libertarian Blogger: The Daily Pundit
Most Thoughtful Blogger: Adrienne’s Corner
Best Bumper Sticker Photos: Legal Insurrection
Best Reference Source for the Counter Jihad: The Religion of Peace
Most Prolific: Instapundit
Best Pictures Posted to Help Us Get Our Minds Away from All the Bad News: Adrienne’s Corner, Amusing Bunni’s Musings, and, The Mad Jewess
Best Place to Find New Ideas to Blog About: Instapundit and The Religion of Peace
More, Please Award – for blogs I hope to see get back to more blogging in 2013: HillBuzz, Political Junkie Mom, Bread Upon the Waters
Congratulations to all of the winners of the 2012 Zilla Awards for Awesomeness in the Dextrosphere!
If you are a blog reader, I hope you will find the above list useful to help you find some awesome blogs that you may not be familiar with yet or to reacquaint yourself with some blogs that you haven’t been to in a while; but remember, besides reading, commenting to, and sharing our posts, the best way to encourage good bloggers to keep bringing the awesomeness or to become an even better bloggers is to heed the famous advice of Stacy McCain with the five most important words in the English Language:
Hit The Freaking Tip Jar!
If you are a Winner, you may claim your award by using the following widget code (you can change the #s in the code for a different size), or right click the award in the size you like and then select “copy image location” and then use that link to “upload picture from url” over at your place in the location of your choice. If you have a problem getting your award to post, email me or let me know in the comments section and I’ll see what I can do to help you.
Here is the code:
2012 Zilla Award Winner
There are so many wonderful Conservative Bloggers, and I know there are a bunch who I will be kicking myself (again) later for leaving out, but if you are blogging for the Conservative cause, then please know that your efforts are greatly appreciated – even if you are not taking home a Fiery Zilla Award widget this time around. If you didn’t win but still want a badge, well, here ya go:
2012 Zilla Award Non-Winner:
Special thanks to Rides A Pale Horse for designing this year’s Zilla Awards Badges!
Last year’s Winners’ List HERE
*** Note: Because the internet hates me, this blog fought against me for hours while I tried to get grabbable widget codes to post, and every time I try to edit anything in this post the codes become invisible again, so I will not be able to update this post unless some computer genius tells me how to fix this, so I will simply thank bloggers in the comments section if they link here (their pings WILL, however, show up if they are using a platform WordPress recognizes). Sorry, and, thanks for your understanding! ***
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