AngryWhiteDude -
a minority candidates’s ideas alone propel him or her to the top
without a Republican Affirmative Action plan? Conservatives have shown
great loyalty to minority conservatives in electing Tim Scott, Allen
West and supporting Mia Love. Pigment doesn’t enter the equation for
conservatives. That’s for racist liberals and the politically correct
like Kira Davis.
So much for that content of character thing. Focus on pigment! At least if you’re talking about minority voters! That was the message black conservative Kira Davis delivered to GOP Chair Reince Priebus in an open letter. She believes the Republican Party is identified as an “old white man” party and needs to embrace diversity to win in 2014. Isn’t that nice? Even conservatives are now against evil ol’ white men! But she’s a minority. She can say such things. Say no more.
Davis’ letter is proof why her idea to wipe white men from the face of the Republican Party won’t work. Minorities vote on pigment and government social programs. So rather than vote for the best person for the job, Davis says to put that all aside. We need to vote for the best minority for the job! Then the 98% of black women who voted for Obama will be happy. Of course, they’ll still vote 98% for the next Democrat but they won’t view the Republican Party as the party of evil old white men. They’ll view the Republicans as the party of old white men who have put a few Uncle Toms on camera.
Here’s part of her letter:
Then I turned on the TV and saw you discussing diversity in the GOP with some media talking head. I saw Jeb Bush making the rounds in what looks like a precursor to a 2016 run. I saw Karl Rove pontificating about diversifying the party. In short, I saw a bunch of rich, middle-aged white men talking about how we need to change the perception of the GOP as a party of rich, middle-aged white men.
Hey, don’t get me wrong. I love older white guys. My Grandpa was an older white guy and I’m not going to lie — I wouldn’t kick Sean Connery out of my bed…even now. What I’m talking about is a paradigm shift; a complete public image makeover.
Mr. Priebus, in 2012 the GOP missed a HUGE opportunity to push out some more “diverse” faces to bring the message of liberty and smaller government to their communities. There is a sizable community of Black Republican/conservative bloggers who highlight that message every day. Many work in their spare time. Can you imagine what they would have been able to do for the GOP if there had even been a tiny amount of party dollars behind them?
Shouldn’t a minority candidates’s ideas alone propel him or her to the top without a Republican Affirmative Action plan? Conservatives have shown great loyalty to minority conservatives in electing Tim Scott, Allen West and supporting Mia Love. Pigment doesn’t enter the equation for conservatives. That’s for racist liberals and the politically correct like Kira Davis.
She continues in her open letter:
We’ve already blown that opportunity but another one presents itself. As we begin to think about 2014 and 2016 we need to continue thinking about how we change our image. Exit polls showed that many minority voters liked Mitt Romney’s message but in the end did not feel comfortable voting for him because they didn’t “trust” him. We need to give them a reason to trust us.
I’m sorry, but throwing a rich white guy in front of a bunch of people who have been taught from kindergarten to distrust rich white guys is not going to cut it. I have a suggestion for a new strategy, and some people will not like it because it involves a few people getting out of the way and/or making room for new faces. Some people will have to decide if their status is more important to them than their country.
So if Romney was black, he’d be the President? Hardly! Ask any black person on the street how they feel about Clarence Thomas? Or any other black Republican. No, Ms Davis, election data shows Romney lost because millions of conservative voters stayed home rather than vote for another moderate RINO Republican. And they’ll do the same in 2016 whether the RINO is white or black.
If Kira Davis believes blacks will vote for a Republican because they happen to be black, she is as stupid as Karl Rove and the rest of their ilk who will sell out conservative principles to chase a vote that will never appear! This theory that the right minority candidate will bring a landslide of minority votes is a pipe dream. And a racist pipe dream at that!
AWD was widely criticized for writing a column a few years ago that stated that the majority of black people hate white people. Didn’t Kira Davis essentially state the same thing about people being taught to distrust (hate) white people since kindergarten? Well, she should be smart enough to realize those haters will never vote for a Republican. Ever. Not as long as Democrats out-welfare Republicans.
She continues:
Mia Love and Allen West are two powerful voices running upstream of the narrative. Republicans know these people, but non-political Americans generally don’t. Right now, when someone says “Republican” the image is a Karl Rove-type. We need to make “minority” synonymous with “Republican”
And both West and Love lost their races. It would be interesting to see what percentage of the minority vote each pulled. I guarantee you it would be less than 10%. I rest my case!
Here’s her plan:
From now on the official party strategy should be to only send minority Republicans to do public events/interviews/appearances. Every picture, every brochure, every interview, every meet and greet, everyTHING the GOP does between now and 2016 should have a non-white face at the forefront.
Ah yes, style over substance! And let’s not forget to stick a knife further into us old white men who built this country for the wild pipe dream that we will win minority votes.
Now her real agenda emerges:
Stop investing millions of dollars in professional political consultants who bring you the same results you’ve seen in the last TWO presidential cycles and throw a significantly less amount at bloggers and activists who are ready to persuade, debate and win hearts where it counts the most. Alfonzo Rachel, Chris Arps and the team at, SooperMexican, Project 21, (and of course me, Kira Davis -YouTube personality and dangerously attractive IJReview blogger) are just a few of the legion of minority pundits and bloggers waiting for the chance to fight on a larger battlefield for our values.
Put more blacks (especially Kira Davis) on TV to represent the Republican Party or you will be a racist. She doesn’t actually say that but is it difficult to imagine that being the underlying message? Nothing is stopping those minority conservatives from appearing on TV shows or radio. Several black conservatives have radio shows already. Others have popular blogs. Why should Priebus put Davis on TV just because she’s black? Wouldn’t that be racist? Conservatives don’t care about her pigment and blacks will only view her as an Uncle Tom. I do agree with her recommendation that the Republicans stop spending millions of dollars on the Karl Rove’s of the world. They have the same viewpoint as Davis….black = good, white = bad. And they lose elections!
I’m one who tries to live the dream of MLK. I try to judge people by their actions. While I’m very disappointed with the overall performance of blacks in America, I try not to hold that performance against individuals who act and live responsibly. I’m a trashist. I don’t like trashy people of any race. And that includes blacks. And whites. And Hispanics. And every other.
Voting for pigment is for racists. I vote on principle. That is why I once endorsed Allen West for President until he voted for the racist Pigford settlements. I knew then he, like Kira Davis, only viewed the world through the lenses of race.
I will not sell out my belief system to chase votes from racist minorities. Even if it gets me on television. Too bad Kira Davis doesn’t believe the same. But, of course, there’s a difference between Kira and me. She’s a racist.
Once again I ask….what’s so wrong with voting for the best person for the job? I’m trying, MLK, really, I’m trying!
You can read her letter in its entirety here.
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