Thursday, September 27, 2012

2008 Election Flashback - Oprah Anointed The caliph خليفة Benedict Arnold from the Dark Side

obama-oprah-12-30-08Oprah Winfrey, the queen of pop culture, experienced a passionate soulish transformation in the months prior to her anointing of Barack Obama in 2008 as her choice for president of the United States. Oprah abandoned any belief she may have had in Christ and God, and eagerly welcomed the lies of the Genesis serpent as truth. Oprah did not encounter the ancient serpent directly; she embraced the serpent’s teachings through one of its most deluded apostles, a New Age little creep named Eckhart Tolle.
Oprah made Tolle famous by promoting his books “The Power of Now” (TPN) and “A New Earth” (ANE). Both books do nothing more than present the warmed-over lies of the Genesis serpent as wondrous bits of enlightenment for humanity: the word of our Creator cannot be trusted, you are God, feeling trumps faith, and (believe it or not) there is no death.
Tolle develops the Genesis serpent’s insinuation that the word of our Creator cannot be trusted to its logical end, boldly declaring outright that God Himself should be ignored in favor of the self: “The word God is limiting not only because of thousands of years of misperception and misuse, but also because it implies an entity other than you” (TPN, p. 224). Oprah agrees.
At the burning bush, Yahweh expressed His identity to Moses as “I Am That I Am.” Tolle says of himself “I Am that I Am,” and tells his followers that they may say the same of themselves as well (ANE, p. 79). Oprah agrees.
Tolle urges his followers to abandon all belief in God and to trust their feelings instead: “Who you are requires no belief. In fact, every belief is an obstacle” (ANE, p. 189, Tolle’s emphasis). Oprah agrees.
As for the alleged unreality of death, Tolle writes, “[Y]ou are indestructible, immortal. This is not a belief. It is absolute certainty that needs no external evidence or proof from some secondary source” (TPN, p. 220). Oprah agrees.
In New Age lingo, Tolle and Oprah channel the “wisdom” of the Genesis serpent. If we were to put the Serpent/Tolle/Oprah doctrine into the form of a bumper sticker or a sound bite it would be this: “Forget Christ and the Bible. Believe the Serpent, Oprah, and Tolle.” In short, the Serpent/Tolle/Oprah doctrine makes a mockery of Christ and all of Scripture. This is the way of Cain, the denial of divine revelation, and the exaltation of man as the measure of all things.
The false teaching inherent in the Serpent /Tolle/ Oprah doctrine is bad enough. What makes it a thousand times worse, appallingly reprehensible even, is the fact that Oprah tells the lie of lies about it. On Oprah’s Web site, next to the words, “This online class [with Tolle] is not for or against any religion,” she has placed an image of the spire of a Christian church with a cross at its top. How much more spiritually and morally corrupted could Oprah be? There is an answer to that question: Functioning as high priestess of Serpent/Tolle/Oprah doctrine, she magnified her serpentine enchantment by anointing Barack Obama as her choice to be president of the United States.
In the illustration above (modified from The Fall of Adam by Hugo van der Goes, circa 1470, oil on wood), Oprah welcomes the forbidden fruit from the smiling Tolle-headed serpent as she prepares to share it with an elated Obama. Oprah and Obama thus both defy God and welcome as “truth” whatever lies the Tolle-headed serpent promotes.
At the height of her demonic enchantment, Oprah recognized a kindred spirit in Obama. And so, using the teaching and language of her mankind-exalting, serpent-inspired religion, Oprah anointed Obama with glorifying praise, calling him “brilliant,” “an evolved leader,” and a man with the “gift of wisdom.” Oprah explained, “I’m just following my own truth, and that truth has led to Barack Obama.” Oprah’s own “truth,” as we have seen, is just the opposite: the vain embrace of the warmed-over lies of the Genesis serpent.
Those who see through the haze of humanist propaganda today recognize that America’s basic problem is not political or social or economic: It is spiritual. A lying spirit drew Oprah to Obama. A spirit of enchantment and delusion drew those who promoted Obama, the serpent’s candidate, in 2008. Let us pray to our God and Father that the spell will be broken in 2012, for only He can break it.

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