Thursday, December 13, 2012
Time is the wisest counsellor of all. ~Pericles
The New York Times is first to report a gamechanger -- our new AFDI subway ad campaign. It is huge, important and powerful, and made possible by YOU.
We have purchased all the clocks, over 220 of them, in all NYC subway stations for our new jihad awareness quran ad. Below, what the ads will look like when they go up in January.
We bought clocks systemwide -- the MTA's term is "clock domination." This is our biggest ad buy ever, made possible by the overwhelming support of the American people, in response to our prior ads.
I love this buy...for so many reasons. First, because metaphorically it's so powerful. The clock is ticking, from a civilizational point of view. Bombs, at least in movies, tick and are set off by clocks. The urgency of our message is mirrored in the placement. Also, these are much harder to deface. Islamic supremacist thugs and goons destroyed our other ads within an hour. As the clocks hang from the ceiling, they won't be able to get to these. And if the destroyers destroy the clock, it's a much bigger expense, and the criminal penalties are much stiffer.
Hamas-CAIR, whose stated goal is "eliminating and destroying Western civilization from within and sabatoging its miserable house," according to documents entered into evidence in the largest terrorist funding trial in our nation's history, is on the attack. Here's a screenshot from their Geller-obsessed (as in female, Jewish and free) press release:
On Friday, December 14, Hamas-CAIR (Council on American-Islamic Relations) will announce the
national launch of the "MyJihad" campaign -- "my jihad is to stay fit!" -- a contemptuous propaganda campaign to deceive the American people on the definition of jihad (as if they didn't know) running on buses "from coast to coast." How stupid they think the kuffar are:
MyJihad is an independent national initiative that seeks to share the proper meaning of Jihad as believed and practiced by the majority of Muslims. Jihad is a central tenet of the Islamic creed, which means struggling uphill in order to get to a better place. (more here)
September 11 was jihad, and no amount of Hamas-CAIR lying, deceiving, and dissembling will wash away the blood, the memory and the resolve to defeat this enemy of freedom and life.
Controversial Group Plans More Ads in Subway Station New York Times, December 13, 2012The group behind a recent spate of inflammatory advertisements throughout the transit system said this week that it planned to make its biggest purchase yet: the space beside each of the roughly 220 clocks hanging in New York City’s subway stations.A planned advertisement would be next to clocks that hang above subway platforms in stations throughout the city.The clocks are suspended from ceilings above subway platforms in stations across the city.The group, the American Freedom Defense Initiative, has often stoked controversy with its messages, including posters placed in 10 subway stations in September, characterizing Islamist opponents of the Jewish state as “savage.” Virtually all of the ads were vandalized shortly after they were posted.But the latest ad buy is unique. It is large enough that, compared with past campaigns, New Yorkers will be much more likely to see the displays. And because of the advertisements’ overhead placement, would-be vandals “would have to get a ladder,” said Pamela Geller, the group’s executive director.A spokesman for the transportation authority said it was reviewing the advertisements. Rejection seems unlikely: the authority recently approved virtually identical ads from the group, with the same image and quotation, for display at Metro-North Railroad stations. Ms. Geller, whose group has also placed ads that say “Support Israel. Defeat Jihad,” said that campaign would begin next week.Ms. Geller has long created headaches for officials at the transportation authority, which initially rejected the campaign that included the “savage” label, citing its demeaning language. The American Freedom Defense Initiative sued and in July won a federal court ruling on First Amendment grounds.In September, the Metropolitan Transportation Authority amended its advertising policy to require so-called viewpoint advertisements to include a disclaimer that they do not imply the authority’s endorsement of their views. The authority’s new guidelines also included prohibitions on ads that the agency “reasonably foresees would imminently incite or provoke violence or other immediate breach of the peace.”Ms. Geller said that the advertisements — intended to be displayed beside actual clocks, not the countdown clocks that predict train arrivals — cost roughly $320 each for a four-week placement — about $70,000 for all the clocks.The clocks were her latest advertising target, Ms. Geller said, “because metaphorically it’s so powerful. The clock is ticking, from a civilizational point of view.”
*A version of this article appeared in print on December 14, 2012, on page A33 of the New York edition with the headline: Controversial Group Plans More Ads in Subway Stations.
- Chicago: Muslim gets ten years in prison for jihad plot 12/10/12
- FBI: Alabama Muslims arrested on terror charges, plotted to wage jihad in Africa 12/10/12
- FBI will not prosecute bombing of government building bombing with IED as terrorism due to "political sensitivities" 12/4/12
- Texas: Stopping a Jihadi bomber Who was One Chemical Away from Building a Bomb 12/4/12
- Florida jihad: Two Muslim brothers arrested on jihad charges "to use a weapon of mass destruction (explosives) against persons and property within the United States" 12/1/12
- Four California Muslims arrested in plot to wage ‘violent jihad’ on America: plotting to kill Americans, bomb government facilities and public places 11/20/12
- Portland Oregon Prosecutors ask court's permission to use the word "jihad" and "terrorist" in trial of jihadi terrorist 11/7/12
- Massachusetts Muslim gets 17 years for jihad plot to blow up Pentagon and US Capitol 11/2/12
Creeping has this: A sampling of arrests, indictments, convictions, guilty pleas, sentences and further encroachment of Islam and sharia in the United States…since November 1, 2012.
- Arizona: Iraqi Muslim Firebombs Arizona Social Security Office (video) and DHS knew about him, rejecting his citizenship application for ‘Terrorism-Related Activity’
- Arizona: Muslim family guilty in brutal ‘honor beatings’ of daughter gets just probation
- California: Four Muslims arrested in terror plot (video) – no surprise, the suspects met at a Pomona mosque
- California: Prominent imam, like brother, found guilty of tax fraud
- California: Maker of Muhammad film sentenced to year in prison for blaspheming Islam
- California: Muslim arrested in honor killing of wife, CAIR helped promote Islamophobic narrative against Americans – media spread it
- Florida: 2 Muslim brothers arrested for plotting jihad attack on Americans
- Florida: Muslims bringing weapons and ammunition to mosque run by imam with ties to 1993 WTC terrorist group (video)
- Ohio: Muslim who planned Ohio mall attack deported to Somalia
- Seattle: Muslim admits guilt in plot to attack local military processing station
- Texas: Somali Muslim “refugee” with terror links pleads guilty
- Texas: Judge in Fort Hood jihad mass murder case removed for not allowing sharia
- Texas: Saudi student gets life in prison, no parole in failed plot to kill Americans
- Massachusetts: Muslim gets 17 years in Pentagon jihad plot
- New York: Muslim pleads guilty, gets 10 years in plot to bomb 10 NYC synagogues
- New York: Muslim indicted in plot to blow up Federal Reserve
- New York: Bosnian Muslim Immigrant Gets Life Sentence for Subway Jihad Plot
- Alabama: Muslim Student Association Alum Tops FBI ‘Most Wanted Terrorists’ List
- Alabama: Pious imam arrested in prostitution sting
- Tennessee: Muslim found guilty following deathbed murder confession
- North Carolina: Two Muslims plead guilty in plot to behead terror trial witnesses
- North Carolina: 3rd Muslim Found Guilty In Witness Beheading Plot
- Bosnia: Muslim who attacked U.S. embassy in Sarajevo sentenced to 18 years
Posted by Pamela Geller on Thursday, December 13, 2012 at 10:42 PM in AFDI Quran ads
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