Saturday, September 8, 2012

No wonder El Presidente likes Sandra Fluke - his mother was a slut too - what does that say about el presidente?

Obama Lies About Mother To Promote Obamacare

obamas-momBoth Barack and Michelle Obama along with vice president Joe Biden shared stories about Obama’s mother’s battle with cancer, from which she died in 1995. However, the versions they tell are vastly different from previous versions, including those of two of Obama’s biographers and Obama himself.
“Barack had to sit at the end of his mom’s hospital bed and watch her fight cancer and insurance companies at the same time,” Biden said.
Mrs. Obama also said during her speech on Tuesday that “watching your mother die of something that could have been prevented — that’s a tough thing to deal with.”
Obama himself said, “When my mother got cancer she wasn’t a wealthy woman and it pretty much drained all her resources.”

The problem is that Mr. Obama seems to have difficulty with his past (as if we all didn’t know that). In 2004 he told the Chicago Sun-times that he was not even present when his mother was facing her final days.
“The biggest mistake I made was not being at my mother’s bedside when she died,” he said then. ”She was in Hawaii in a hospital, and we didn’t know how fast it was going to take, and I didn’t get there in time.”
“He was into his Chicago phase, reshaping himself for his political future, but now was drawn back to Hawaii to say goodbye to his mother. Too late, as it turned out. She died on Nov. 7, 1995, before he could get there.”
The problem is not just that the Obamas and Biden lied, but that they lied to push the agenda of Obamacare, because they were saying that Obama’s mother, Stanley Ann Dunham suffered and died because she didn’t have health insurance.
But that is far from the truth. Because of her job at Development Alternatives Inc. of Bethesda, Maryland, Ms. Dunham had health insurance, which covered her uterine and ovarian cancer.
According to Janny Scott, Dunham’s biographer, “Ann’s compensation for her job in Jakarta had included health insurance, which covered most of the costs of her medical treatment.”
“Once she was back in Hawaii, the hospital billed her insurance company directly, leaving Ann to pay only the deductible and any uncovered expenses, which she said, came to several hundred dollars a month.”
This wasn’t the first time that Obama has pulled on the heartstrings and the legs of people with this fabricated story to promote Obamacare.
In 2007, he told a Santa Barbara, California audience, ““She (Dunham) wasn’t thinking about coming to terms with her own mortality. She had been diagnosed just as she was transitioning between jobs. And she wasn’t sure whether insurance was going to cover the medical expenses because they might consider this a pre-existing condition.”
“I remember just being heartbroken,” Obama continued. “Seeing her struggle through the paperwork and the medical bills and the insurance forms. So I have seen what it’s like when somebody you love is suffering because of a broken health care system. And it’s wrong. It’s not who we are as a people.”
During a presidential debate with John McCain, Obama said, “For my mother to die of cancer at the age of 53 and have to spend the last months of her life in the hospital room arguing with insurance companies because they’re saying that this may be a pre-existing condition and they don’t have to pay her treatment, there’s something fundamentally wrong about that.”
While Obama was trying to appeal to those in our society who struggle with health care without insurance or even with insurance they face high deductibles, he did so dishonestly. There is nothing in the historical record that puts him either at the bedside of his mother (as though he cared) or that she was without insurance and living in abject poverty. She was not. She was fully insured, paid a deductible and was far from living in poverty. This is just another case of Obama “hoping” that things were different, but the stubborn facts he wants to “change” keep resurfacing to expose him as a fraud.

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