Today during my daily rounds of checking up on news sites and blogs, I found a very interesting video that, to me, is a breathe of fresh air. It made me rethink the stronghold the Obama administration, and even more so, the Democratic machine has had on the inner city black community for decades now. The video shows a group of inner city, black Chicagoans coming out and finally saying what they really feel about our president, and more importantly, the Democratic party as a whole.
While President Obama is out fighting the fictitious, left-driven ”war on women,” he seems to have forgot about the group that he “fought so hard for” as a community organizer, state and U.S. senator. The black community has taken the back seat from day one Obama took office. As 96 percent of black people voted for Obama in 2008, I don’t see that number changing much. But what I do think we are seeing now is the beginning of the black community’s break from the Democratic party. Maybe not this election, and maybe not the next, but I believe slowly we will see the connection between the left and blacks dwindle.
Every one of these people in this video could not have said it any better and makes some of the best points I’ve ever heard about the Democrat controlled cities. They are very brave to stand up in their community with such conflicting opinion. Paul McKinley made the perfect point that Chicago has no Tea Party or even Republican leaders, therefor, how can the Democrats say that the Republicans are in control of them and are the ones that are keeping them from reaching their full potential? Rashidah Ali explains that government is not the force behind job creation. Obama and any other politician in Chicago does not create anything except more power for themselves.
Jean Ray makes one of the best points stating “They(Democrats) feel that they can just take us for granted and that we are just going to vote democratic anyway.” She then goes on to say “but if there was a Republican who was out here doing what I feel like he should be doing, I would vote for him.” The problem is the lack of Republicans to vote for. Chicago has had a Democratic stronghold for nearly four decades. It seems as though Obama used the black community to get elected in 2008 by filling them up with empty promises of hope and change. Yet, this election, he is just assuming they are all on board again. He puts them on the back burner to focuses on his new group that is going to get him elected, women. Obama has a funny way of showing “unity,” as he promised in 2008, by pinning people against each other to win an election.
Another women in the community, Vetress Boyce, explains that no matter what the politicians promise, nothing changes. To me that explains the last four years perfect, a bunch of empty promises, but in the end, the politicians are only in it for themselves. She also makes another great point saying “In a lot of cases their interest is not in the community, and in a lot of cases, some of them don’t even live in the community.” The best example of that is Sandi Jackson. Many may also know her as wife of U.S. representative Jesse Jackson Jr. She is a Chicago City Council member, as an alderman of the 7th ward. The Jacksons do have a home in Chicago, but both of them spend most of their time in Washington D.C. so while Sandi is making decisions on the 7th ward of Chicago, she is 700 miles away in our nations capital. If you don’t think that is out of touch, then I don’t know what is.
This video has given me more hope than an empty Obama slogan has ever given an uninformed voter. It shows me that the black community is not falling for the same old tricks. They are starting to realize that they are being used as a pawn in Obama’s game and they are not taking it sitting down. They want jobs, not food stamps. They want to support themselves, not have the government control their everyday lives. They are realizing cities such as Chicago and Detroit are the way they are because of the Democratic Machine that has had its grip on them for the last 40-50 years. Their policies don’t work and they never have, and they are the same policies that Obama is trying to implement on a national level. I will end this post with this, which I think says it best. Have you ever been to the Communities that President Obama has “organized?” Working in Chicago a lot, I have, and It is not a place where I would want to live. People in the inner cities, black or white, deserve better.
h/t MJW
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