This is to all the liberals I love. Humor me and
see the entire video.
The following “introduction” is from the individual who put together this impressive video. Be sure to see
the end “credits.”
The following “introduction” is from the individual who put together this impressive video. Be sure to see
the end “credits.”
The video I've linked to below represents close to 200 hours of editing and animation work.
I got the idea to put this video together a couple months ago, but in the last three weeks I've
just been compelled to finish it.
It was primarily born out of frustration with the ads the RNC was putting out. They all seemed
slapped-together by the same people that shoot commercials for local furniture stores, lacking
design, direction, and passion. I believe conservatism is intrinsically cool and inspiring--as are
liberty, prosperity, and morality--and yet we're painted as the philosophy of crotchety old men who
are out-of-touch with culture.
I know a lot of independents won't sit through three hours of talk radio ... but I figured I could get
them to watch a 7-minute video if the motion graphics were interesting and had some passion
behind them. I'm not arrogant enough to think this video will change anyone's mind, but perhaps
it can plant a small seed of curiosity in those who have had conservatism denied to them by
academia and the media.
I was partially inspired to do this video when my Photoshop piece mocking the Occupy movement
("Down With Evil Corporations!") went viral and ended up being read in its entirety by Elisabeth Hasselbeck
on The View. I hope this video will have an even greater reach.
If you enjoy this, please feel free to share it.
Hope you like it.
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