Liberals love being painted as the defender of the underdog. Yeah, if you feel like you are being abused, oppressed, preyed upon, neglected, entitled to something or endangered in any way . . . do not fear! The Dems are here! Their protection extends not only to the human small fry, but also to the translucent hair lice, the gargling nut warbler, a warming globe, a rare venereal crab, a whooping crane’s egg, Rudolph’s roughage and the need for a rain forest in Iowa.
In addition, many of those in the loopy left will raise unholy hell if hunters hunt animals. Hey, lunatic fringe liberal who prattles on about pity and provision for the poor: in 2011 alone my family supplied over seven tons of meat (SEVEN . . . 7 . . . that’s 14,000 plus pounds) of low fat/high protein, free range, fresh flesh to the poor—both in Africa and the US. How does that stack up against your personal compassionate outreach last year? Or the last decade? Or the last century? Huh? But that’s another topic that I’ll save for another column . . . rest assured.
Yeah, the liberals will ramp up to Mach2, set their hair on fire and will fight, yell, picket, protest and blog their fingers ’til they’re bloody for animal rights and for your rights—that is, unless of course, you’re an unborn child.
It is with the unborn baby that the “protectors of the weak” morph into the party that wreaks havoc upon the truly helpless. It’s interesting to see misty-eyed liberals go quasi-talibanic for the little animal while they have absolutely no qualms whatsoever endorsing the snuffing out of the life of an unborn tiny human.
One of the reasons the barbaric left uses to convince themselves that they’re right on the issue of killing that inconvenient “little bugger” (as one of their own calls it) is that it is not yet a person. It’s “a wee little squirming blob” that’s expendable, which you can root out if you’d like.
One of the things that is really wrecking the “protectors of the weak” BS campaign of killing unborn kids is 3D and 4D ultrasound imagery. These pics and videos are screwing up things for the pro-choicers. Back in the day when they were selling us on the “fetal blob stuff,” all we had at our disposal to contradict their nonsense was common sense and a very grainy 2D sonogram. With the advent of ultra slick 3D/4D images, a lot of people are being surprised to see that:
At 8 weeks, this “thing that has no rights whatsoever” (to a liberal) begins to get its groove on, moving and wiggling. Garsh, who’d a thunk it?
At 12 weeks, this “candidate for death” starts yawning (must be overhearing Obama speak) and performing finger movements (probably at Harry Reid).
At 20 weeks, this “tissue” starts making facial expressions, such as smiling (who knows . . . maybe it actually feels loved?).
At 24 weeks, the little mister or miss is sucking its thumb, making emotional facial expressions and can stick out its tongue when he or she hears Pelosi blather on MSNBC.
With 3D and 4D ultrasound imaging advancing daily how a person can say that an unborn baby is not yet a person and can be killed at Mommy Dearest’s discretion is barbarically beyond me.
I guess the left callous their hearts to the unborn by rejecting a proposition central to Judeo-Christian thought regarding life and death: namely, that life is intrinsically good, and is therefore, sacrosanct.
Yes, these secular barbaric “tools” see human beings as tools; and if they don’t somehow fit instrumentally within the secularists’ Darwinian, utilitarian utopia, they get tagged as “inconvenient” and are relegated to the “very expendable” list. That’s why abortion is no big deal, and neither is taking the life of a so-called defective child, or suicide, or “mercy killing” a helpless senior. But God help you if you should ever run a boat’s prop over a manatee’s back! They’ll get pissed!
In contrast with the secular “elite,” the “stupid,” “non-elite” and “archaic” Judeo-Christian constituency views human life (beginning at conception and lasting until the person naturally croaks) as intrinsically good and thus, sacred—not just instrumentally good.
The Judeo-Christian community believes that all people—from the embryo to the elderly, including severely developmentally disabled, people in comas and everything in between—have dignity and value. As Robert George said, “Their significance is not based upon what they can do, or how they make us feel or whether or not we approve of their quality of life, but principally because they live.”
And not only does the Party of Death advocate the death of the unborn and the inconvenient, but they also want your tax dollar to pay for their death wishes, for all parents to butt out of their teen age daughter’s abortion plans and for the US to continue to stay left of Europe when it comes to abortion on demand. Consider all the above, those of you on the left and the right who cherish the unborn more than a sea cow, when you cast your vote come this November.