Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Don't eat the last apple? Or eat it and see what God can do?

Sometimes the Holy Spirit will give me insight into a situation that I am facing while I am listening to preachers. Their lesson may be about something entirely different than my situation, yet as I listen to them the Holy Spirit starts showing me how the scripture they use or the principal they are teaching applies to me also. That happened a few minutes ago, as I was listening to a lesson on Gideon. God stripped all but 300 of his 32,000 soldiers, away before sending him against the Midianites.

The Holy Spirit reminded me that lately the enemy seems to have come in and devoured so much of what I have had, even the seed. He said that the less that I have, the more apparent it becomes, when He does something that flies in the face of the odds, that it was Him and ONLY Him that could have done it. It is meant to strengthen my faith so that I will stop worrying about my situation because I will then have no doubts that He will take care of it. Then instead of seeking help from Him for my situation, I can concentrate on using that strengthened faith to help someone in a similar situation, who is struggling.

He has repeatedly told me in the past not to worry about the lack of seed, because when He wants me to sow a seed, He will put it in my hand. I am to learn that He is able to take an impossibly small seed and use it to bring a harvest beyond my capacity to understand. Forget these messages about 100 fold returns, because that puts limits on Him and He has no limits. He said that 2000 years ago he put a seed of two mites in the hand of a widow woman and that tiny seed is still yielding a harvest of souls. He said it is not the amount of seeds we sow but the amount of faith and love we sow it with.

Galatians 5:6b "Nothing counts but, faith expressing itself through love."
HE told me to share this, because someone out there desperately needs to understand it also.


h/t CN

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