Thursday, November 8, 2012

"The Common Sense Resistance" -- Tonight was the Night That Freed America

NOVEMBER 7, 2012

A New Beginning... Bill Whittle on the Virtuous Citizens and How to Ignore the Parasites.
This is a fascinating and inspiring off the top of the head rap by Bill Whittle. Yes, it is almost one and a half hours long. Yes, I listened to all of it. And, yes, if you can't you will really miss out of beginning to figure out where free men and women go from here. Too bad. But like Whittle says, "We're not going to waste another second of our time with these people."
You say you are looking for a path forward? Here's 90 minutes of insights and plans. Do you have to agree with all of it? No. It's open source.

Some excerpts and notes:
I'm tired of looking backward.
If 5 million put in $9.95 a month for three years....
We have to build parallel structures.
Now you start getting into things that nobody talks about. But I'm going to talk about them.
What is going to come after this age of giant government.
The public changes and then the politics follows.
When you have a horizontally dispersed economy, you will -- and you must have -- have a horizontally dispersed government.
It's time to stop thinking about winning elections. It's time to stop thinking about Republicans and Democrats and liberals and conservatives. It's time to stop putting money and energy into the government because the government is not the country and the government has never been the country. Ever. This country was founded on the principle of being opposed to a government. So if Barack Obama won control of the government it does not mean he won control of America. He won control of what is preventing us from being America.
The Common-Sense Resistance is a self selecting group of people who understand that hard work should be rewarded, that nothing is free, and that solutions are available and obvious.
I'm tired of looking backward. I'm tired of complaining about media bias. They don't get another gram of our energy. They don't get a penny past what we owe them.
We're not going to waste another second of our time with these people.
The Republican brand is permanently tarnished. The word "conservative" is in many ways not indicative of the way many of us think.
The world breaks down into people who are "problem solvers" and those people who are problems.
Barack Obama was just elected to be the captain of the Titanic.
These people have inherited ashes.
Posted by gerardvanderleun at November 7, 2012 1:53 PM

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