Friday, August 17, 2012

No Protestant on Presidential Ballot – First Time in History of U.S.

p-vp candidateI was looking at the backgrounds of the four men on the presidential tickets and it hit me that there is not one Protestant among them.  After conducting a little more research, I discovered that this is the first time in the history of the United States that there has not been at least one Protestant running for President or Vice President.
Barack Obama’s bio, which is highly questionable from his birth through college, is listed as being a Christian with no denominational preference.  However, if someone talks like a Muslim, walks like Muslim, acts like Muslim and gives preferential treatment to Muslims over Christians, I classify him as a Muslim.  Besides, a true follower of Jesus Christ would not do and say the things that Obama has.
Joe Biden is a Catholic as is the Republican vice presidential candidate Paul Ryan.  Mitt Romney is a Mormon, which many people believe to be a cult and not part of the Christian church.
So when you compare the two tickets, you have a Muslim and a Catholic on one side and a Mormon and Catholic on the other.  From a religious point of view, I have to admit that I am not thrilled with either choice.  It reminded me of the words of the first Chief Justice of the United States Supreme Court who said:
“Providence has given to our people the choice of their rulers, and it is the duty, as well as the privilege and interest of our Christian nation, to select and prefer Christians for their rulers.”
It saddens me to not have the choice of Christian leaders for president this year.  I know some of you will write and say to vote for the Libertarian candidate, but that can only serve to divide the GOP votes and help insure Obama’s re-election.  I saw what happened when Ross Perot ran for President and took enough Republican votes that Democrat Bill Clinton got elected, and it was Clinton who created the financial and job mess America is in today.  Splitting the GOP vote with a Libertarian or anyone else will be a very bad thing to do.
That leaves me with looking at each man’s views and stances on various issues and asking which ones are closest to true Christian and biblical values.  When you compare the two Catholic vice presidential candidates, it quickly becomes obvious that Biden has virtually no biblical or Christian values whatsoever.  Ryan is far more conservative in these areas than Biden, so for VP, my religious vote has to go to Ryan over Biden.
Religiously speaking, Obama, like Biden, has displayed little, if any, Christian or biblical values since taking office.  Romney, has spoken out against homosexuality and other issues that would be more in line with Christian and biblical values.  Therefore, my religious vote for President would have to go to Romney as well for those reasons.
To follow the instructions of Chief Justice John Jay, I have no alternative but to cast my vote in November for Romney and Ryan and pray like never before that they do what is biblical and right.

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