Saturday, July 28, 2012

Congress thinks El Presidente Cares. How dumb do they think we are?

Congress thinks we're idiots.  Do I look like a dem?

The other evening I was watching some of the speeches in Congress & the topic happened to be Obamacare.

1st of all I find it confusing that these people I see presenting, seem to be doing that presenting to virtually an empty room! What's up with that???!!!

So anyhow, the Republicans who were pointing out how fiscally UNsound the law is, how actually FEWER people will have medical coverage, how increasing numbers of doctors are refusing to treat Medicaid patients because less and less reimbursement is being provided, quality of care is actually of LESS than before, and Medicare is being savaged to increase Medicaid with a view of creating a national socialistic medical system (my Canadian friends don't seem overly impressed that they have to wait, often several months ...we're talking mostly a year... For surgery or needed medical treatment).

Because FEWER docs are willing to treat Medicaid patients, those folks routinely go to be seen in the ER for things that are in no way emergencies. The hospitals receive NO COMPENSATION for this treatment, nor are they allowed to charge even a small co-pay. Major Mess!

Then the Democrats got up to speak ... The lead speaker caught my attention immediately, not only because he took a great deal of liberty in MISquoting the speakers who had preceded him, but because he was calling the Healthcare act:

"OBAMACARES" ... How trite!

And I'm like, oh...yeah?? Really???do you honestly THINK that???!!!

h/t BH

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