Sunday, July 29, 2012

George Will - Why Does One Of The Brightest, Most Educated, Most Articulate Politicians Ever Spend So Much Time Explaining What He Actually Meant?

Did George Will say something unkind about El Presidente?

And he thinks he's bright, educated, and articulate?  Does he, like Lunchbucket Joe, think he's clean too?

1 comment:

  1. It is quite clear to me that George was talking in the third person a collective opinion even if he seemed to be speaking of himself, that this president is one of the smartest most articulate presidents we have ever had. Thise are immpossible things to quantify anyway. After reading Dinesh D'Sousa's book , The Roots of Obama's Rage you realize just how GOOD of a politician he is. The fact that he will never accomplish that which he set out to do is clear but he got quite far.
