Sunday, July 29, 2012

Want a hamasque on the corner of your street?

I think I'm going to think it out again.

29 JULY 2012

Mosques: Cess pools of hate

barbarians2From the Law and Freedom Foundation
What Goes on in a Mosque – Evidence from America
Do you want a mosque near you? You may say you don’t mind, so long as it isn’t run by the small minority of extremists.
If so, think again.
Read the report Sharia and Violence in American Mosques, by Mordechai Kedar and David Yerushalmi. Its surgical logic is matched by its unflinching conclusions.
The study is relevant to other countries because Islamic integration is assumed to work better in America than in Europe. (If the American experience is troublesome, other places are truly in for horror.)
The researchers asked two fundamental questions:
Is there a link between sharia-adherent behaviour in mosques and the availability of materials sanctioning violence?
Is there a link between violent materials in a mosque and leaders advocating violent or supremacist behaviour?
Data came from a random sample of 100 US mosques in 14 states and DC:
A surveyor went to observe 12 Sharia-adherent behaviours of the worshipers and the imam; to observe whether the mosque contained the selected materials rated as moderate and severe;  to observe whether the mosque contained materials promoting, praising, or supporting violence or violent jihad; and  to observe whether the mosque contained materials indicating the mosque had invited guest speakers known to have promoted violent jihad.
The Sharia-adherent behaviour was selected for its significance according to the Reliance of the Traveller and other standard sharia discourses:
Among the behaviours observed and scored as Sharia-adherent were: women wearing head covering or full-length shift covering the entire female form except for the eyes; gender segregation during prayers; and enforcement of straight prayer lines.
Violent materials – mainly books and videos – were divided into ‘moderate’ and ‘severe’.
The moderate-rated literature was authored by respected Sharia religious and/or legal authorities; while expressing positive attitudes toward violence, it was predominantly concerned with the more mundane aspects of religious worship and ritual. The severe material, by contrast, largely consists of relatively recent texts written by ideologues, rather than Sharia scholars. These, as well as materials published and disseminated by theMuslim Brotherhood, are primarily, if not exclusively, aimed at using Islam to advance a violent political agenda.
This choice of materials seem to have been chosen because they are not Islamic legal texts per se but rather are polemical works seeking to advance a politicized Islam through violence, if necessary. Nor are these authors recognized Sharia scholars.
51% of mosques had texts that either advocated the use of violence in the pursuit of a Sharia-based political order or advocated violent jihad as a duty of paramount importance to a Muslim; 30% had only texts that were moderately supportive of violence; 19% had no violent texts at all.
The study found a statistically significant association between the severity of violence-positive texts on mosque premises and Sharia-adherent behaviours.
In addition mosques containing severe material were likely actively to encourage terrorism and the funding of it:
The survey found a strong correlation between the presence of severe violence-promoting literature and mosques featuring written, audio, and video materials that actually promoted such acts. By promotion of jihad, the study included literature encouraging worshipers to engage in terrorist activity, to provide financial support to jihadists, and to promote the establishment of a caliphate in the United States. These materials also explicitly praised acts of terror against the West; praised symbols or role models of violent jihad; promoted the use of force, terror, war, and violence to implement the Sharia; emphasized the inferiority of non-Muslim life; promoted hatred and intolerance toward non-Muslims or notional Muslims; and endorsed inflammatory materials with anti-U.S. views…  All 51 mosques that contained severe materials were led by imams who recommended study texts that promote violence.
And there doesn’t seem to be much difference between moderate and severe mosques when it comes to violence against the infidel.
Mosques containing violence positive materials were substantially more likely to include materials promoting financial support of terror than mosques that did not contain such texts. A disturbing 98% of mosques with severe texts included materials promoting financial support of terror. Those with only moderate rated materials on site were not markedly different, with 97% providing such materials.
These results were comparable when using other indicators of jihad promotion. 98% of mosques that contained severe-rated literature included materials promoting establishing an Islamic caliphate in the USA as did 97% of mosques containing only moderate rated materials.
And you thought there was no need for concern about a mosque in your neighbourhood unless it was run by a small minority of  extremists. The moderate mosque may not attract violence, but it’s just as likely to encourage it.
Worse news: more Muslims go to hardline mosques compared to moderate ones:
Mosques that contained written materials in the severe category were the best attended, followed by those with only moderate-rated materials, trailed in turn by those lacking such texts. Mosques with severe materials had a mean attendance of 118 worshipers while mosques containing only moderate materials had a mean attendance of 60 worshipers; mosques that contained no violence-positive literature had a mean attendance of 15 worshipers.
Short version: Nearly 75% of  Allah worshippers attend severe mosques; 20% go to moderate mosques; only 3.5% go to mosques with no violent materials in them. No violent materials except the Koran, of course.
It is Almost Midnight in the West.  This video is a short course on how to stop the construction of mosques in your neighbourhood.  Your assignment today is to learn and apply the tactics. There will be a test!

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