Friday, July 27, 2012

We MUST Watch El Presidente's back - he needs it

I know you'll all want to join us in this endeavor.  We must have his back because I tell you, It's hangin' out there, Hangin' out there I say.

El Presidente's 51st birthday is coming up.

I hope you'll wish him a happy birthday by signing the card we're putting together for him.

You'll be adding Rick, from California, alongside thousands of other supporters' names -- folks from all 57 states, from all different backgrounds. Together, all those names will be impressive -- they'll show the strength of this campaign and our support for El Presidente.

And I know he's going to love it.

Add your name today -- and then ask a friend to join you:

These last few months until Election Day won't be easy -- so let's show El Presidente we have his back every step of the way.

- Moose



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